Every year at Roseneath Theatre, we have the opportunity to work with young people from Ontario high schools and universities who are looking for a deeper understanding of the theatre production world and ‘real world’ experience. Today we said good-bye to Morgan, who has been with us for a few months. One of Morgan’s biggest accomplishments was managing the layout and design of our ‘bio boards’ for this year’s shows. Here is what he had to say about his experience…

Morgan with one of the bio boards he created for our 2014-2015 season
Hello my name is Morgan Elbourne and I was a Co-op student from Western Technical Commercial School who had the pleasure of working at Roseneath Theatre and would now like to tell you about my experiences while working there. At Roseneath you have to do a bit of everything but mainly I would work in the marketing department using computer apps to help design, fix, or add to graphics that would help promote what a great place Roseneath is. I used the computer for most jobs, whether for researching online, managing ticket selling/event planning websites (Eventbrite, Ticketswell), writing word docs, managing excel spreadsheets, or simply just passing along emails to other people. Being a theatre, Roseneath also produces plays which gives you the great experience of meeting the crew and actors as well as seeing the process of a stage production being put together. I personally got to meet the cast and crew of The Money Tree and La Maleta (The Suitcase) and got a free viewing of both their respective performances. Never assume though that your whole time at Roseneath will be sitting at a computer and meeting actors, because you will have to get active moving and lifting props and random furniture and for me personally, going down the street to pick up milk and cupcakes. Overall I had a fun time working here and I will find it difficult to get another experience like this of looking at a person’s face for weeks before actually meeting them. But that aside once again my name is Morgan Elbourne and I loved and will miss working here with the people who work here at Roseneath Theatre. (P.S I must have written ‘Roseneath’ and ‘experience’ too many times in this one post).