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In This World: Thunderbay!

Hi, I’m Stephanie Jung and I play Bijou in ‘In This World’. Thunder Bay!  What can I say about Thunder Bay?  Well, first of all, our high school audiences were fantastic.  It seems like everyone in Thunder Bay drives a pick-up truck.  It’s perfect because with our Roseneath truck, we fit right in.  A truck that I need a boost to get into because it’s so high.

2014-04-24 20.13.31

Besides that….

well…oh WAIT.  They have the most delicious thing since…well…since delicious things were invented.  It’s called a Persian.  It’s a doughnut/cinnamon bun hybrid with a berry icing on top.  We didn’t know that these yummy baked good existed until our last day in Thunder Bay.  In fact, we had just started on the highway to Dryden when we decided to head back to Thunder Bay and taste a Persian at The Persian Man.  And now I’m obsessed with Persians.  But you can’t find them in Toronto so I’m sad.

Thunder Bay, thanks for being so awesome!



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