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Wrecked Reactions

Following five weeks of performances for Wrecked, here is what some audience members had to say about the production:

L to R: Kimwun Perehinec, Kevin Jake Walker, Jajube Mandiela, Justin Goodhand. Espanola High, Espanola, ON.

“This was an awesome experience…Actors were awesome, content was very appropriate for our school, our students were very engaged” – Teacher, Espanola High, Espanola, ON

“I watched the first performance of Wrecked this morning. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with the performance. The cast are totally ‘awesome.’ I was so amazed at how well they performed and they got the message across to our entire student body. Best performance I have seen in years. Please pass on my thanks to the actors. Keep up the great work.” – Heinrich Bebie, Principal, Holy Trinity HS, Bradford ON

“(The three best things were) Language [age appropriate and realistic based on use of slang], content, ability to build character development and switch scenes.” – Occasional Teacher, Central Technical School, Toronto, ON

“Fabulous! Amazing production and very relevant.” – Phys-Ed Head, Middlefield CI, Markham, ON

“Let me open with, WOW: what a fantastic show! Wrecked is a very strong script that’s highly relevant to our secondary students, and it’s directed and performed with high energy and a creative vision. The design was spectacular – I particularly loved the use of the “doors”. Your actors are incredibly talented and engaging, and your SM was organized, professional and friendly with me and the kids. After the show, the actors were kind enough to stay and sign autographs for our students, who were floored by their talent and commitment. Our students don’t often get the opportunity to see professional theatre, and this was a really life-changing experience for them. Bringing Wrecked in was a FANTASTIC experience. The students loved the show, and so did the supervising teachers! Finally, relevant teen theatre that isn’t preachy and cheesy! I just can’t communicate how happy I am with the performance today, and the entire Roseneath experience. You folks have been so easy to work with from day one, and I would happily bring you in again!” – Allyson Bradley, Dramatic Arts Teacher, Rick Hansen SS, Mississauga, ON

“(The three best things were) Students and teacher loved the relate-able / realistic scenes, organized, well rehearsed, well performed [strong actors], connected with teens – teen language.” – French Teacher, Middlefield CI, Markham, ON

“Just saw a pretty awesome performance from @RoseneathThtr called “Wrecked” – pretty sure our students saw themselves in the characters.” – Tweet, @lauradorphin

“My students are still talking about it! Wrecked really had an impact on them, due in no small part to your fantastic actors, design and staging…They (students) were engaged in the performance, and they still bring up points from the play when we have discussions about issues in class.” – Head of Drama, Middlefield CI, Markham, ON

Wrecked 2012 on tour in the GTA. Jajube Mandiela, Kimwun Perehinec, Justin Goodhand.

“It (Wrecked) allowed for discussion about making good choices and helping others to make good choices. They (students) also discussed how they can show empathy for others.” – Grade 8 Teacher, John McCrae PS, Toronto, ON

“Hey you guys were just at Espanola High, just thought I would tell you guys did an amazing job and hope you guys come back soon :)” – Facebook Post, Student, Espanola High, Espanola ON

“The theatre group was at our school on the 27th and all the staff and students want to say how much we enjoyed the presentation! The group was so well-organized, professional, and VERY talented. The message they presented was just right for our age group for grade 7/8 and timed perfectly with our Health unit. We will spread the word that Wrecked is the best performance-based presentation we have ever experienced!” – Grade 7/8 Teacher, St. Kateri Elementary School, Kitchener, ON

“Thank you so much! I need to let you know that my staff and I were very pleased with the production. It was superb! The cast was excellent! In the words of some of my grade 8 students, ‘Ms…the play was awesome!’ Thanks again!” – Principal, Beverley Heights MS, Toronto, ON

Wrecked closes it’s 2012 run on Friday. To book In This World or Dib & Dob and the Journey Home click here.


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